Flutter IconButton Widget: A Complete Guide with Examples

Flutter IconButton Widget: A Complete Guide with Examples

In Flutter, an IconButton is a widget that combines an icon and a clickable button, which allows developers to create interactive icons that perform actions when tapped. The IconButton widget is widely used in mobile apps for toolbars, navigation bars, or anywhere you need an interactive icon.

What is IconButton in Flutter?

The IconButton widget is a material design button that is used to display an icon as a clickable button. It can trigger an action when tapped, similar to a button but with an icon instead of text.

IconButton Constructor:

The constructor of IconButton has the following signature:

  Key? key,
  required this.icon,
  this.iconSize = 24.0,
  this.padding = const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),

Parameters of the IconButton Constructor:

  1. key:

    • A unique identifier for the widget, used by Flutter’s framework to manage the widget tree. It’s typically used for performance optimization and not generally required for most widgets.
  2. icon (required):

    • The Icon widget that will be displayed inside the button. This is the main visual element of the IconButton.
  3. iconSize (optional, default: 24.0):

    • The size of the icon inside the button. It is a double value that determines the icon's size. You can use this to make your icon larger or smaller based on your design needs.
  4. color (optional):

    • The color of the icon. By default, it uses the theme’s primary color. You can specify any color for the icon, including transparency or custom colors.
  5. padding (optional, default: EdgeInsets.all(8.0)):

    • The amount of space around the icon inside the button. You can adjust the padding to increase or decrease the tap target size around the icon.
  6. onPressed (optional):

    • A callback function that gets executed when the IconButton is pressed. It takes no parameters and returns nothing (void).
  7. tooltip (optional):

    • A string that will be displayed when the user long-presses the icon button. It’s helpful for accessibility and provides additional context about the icon’s functionality.

Example of Using IconButton

Let’s look at an example of a simple Flutter app that uses an IconButton to perform an action when clicked. In this example, we’ll create an app with an icon button that increments a counter every time it's pressed.

Step 1: Basic Example

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  int _counter = 0;

  // Function to increment the counter
  void _incrementCounter() {
    setState(() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('IconButton Example'),
        body: Center(
          child: Column(
            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
            children: [
              Text('Button pressed: $_counter times'),
                icon: Icon(Icons.add),
                iconSize: 48.0,  // Increase the size of the icon
                color: Colors.blue,  // Change the color of the icon
                onPressed: _incrementCounter,  // Call the increment function when pressed
                tooltip: 'Increment',  // Tooltip for the button

Explanation of the Example:

  1. App Structure:

    • This simple Flutter app contains a StatefulWidget named MyApp with a counter that increments each time the icon button is pressed.
  2. IconButton:

    • The IconButton widget uses the Icons.add icon, which is a plus sign.

    • The iconSize is set to 48.0, making the icon larger than the default size.

    • The color property is set to Colors.blue, which changes the color of the icon.

    • The onPressed callback increments the counter every time the button is pressed.

  3. Tooltip:

    • The tooltip property provides a hint to the user when they long-press the button.

Customizing the IconButton with Different Properties

Let’s explore how you can further customize IconButton for different use cases.

1. Changing the Icon Color

You can set the icon color to any color you like. By default, it uses the theme color, but you can override it using the color property.

  icon: Icon(Icons.favorite),
  color: Colors.red, // Set the icon color to red
  onPressed: () {},

2. Increasing Icon Size

By default, the size of the icon is set to 24.0 pixels. You can change this using the iconSize property.

  icon: Icon(Icons.home),
  iconSize: 40.0, // Set the icon size to 40
  onPressed: () {},

3. Adding Padding

You can customize the padding around the icon to make the tap area larger or smaller. This is especially useful for ensuring the button is easy to tap.

  icon: Icon(Icons.search),
  padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0), // Add padding around the icon
  onPressed: () {},

4. Adding a Tooltip

A tooltip provides additional information when the user long-presses the icon. This is especially helpful for accessibility.

  icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
  tooltip: 'Settings',  // Tooltip for the button
  onPressed: () {},

5. Disabling the IconButton

If you want to disable the IconButton (i.e., make it non-interactive), set the onPressed property to null.

  icon: Icon(Icons.lock),
  onPressed: null, // This will disable the button

Best Practices for Using IconButton

  • Provide a Tooltip: Always use the tooltip property to provide context for what the button does. This is especially important for accessibility purposes.

  • Maintain a Good Tap Area: Make sure the icon’s tap area is large enough for users to interact with it. You can use the padding property to adjust the tap area if needed.

  • Avoid Overusing IconButtons: While IconButton is great for adding icons to your app, it’s important not to overuse them. For actions that require more context or multiple items, consider using other widgets like FlatButton, RaisedButton, or FloatingActionButton.


The IconButton widget in Flutter is an essential tool for adding interactive icons to your application. It is simple to use and highly customizable. In this post, we explored the IconButton constructor, its various properties like iconSize, color, and padding, and how to use it in practical scenarios.

By adjusting these properties, you can create beautiful, intuitive interfaces that allow users to interact with icons easily. Whether you're building a navigation bar, a toolbar, or just need a button with an icon, IconButton can help streamline your app’s design.

Happy Coding😀!

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